
Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally back to updating my rotted blog.

Much things happened within all these times,
daily things, unexpected things, unexplainable things.
I just need to learn to make my right decision.
I need to study/work not to hang here, dangling in mid air.
the thought of studying make me remember so much of the past,
those I missed most was with my dearest sweetest darlings K,HP,E&A,
how we get crazy together, laughing & playing hard in like nobody's business.

Alright! Wish me the best & you, of course, the one reading my blog now. :)
Oh, I wonder why peoples like to call me, MeiZhu, is MeiJun!
I merely just eh sai in sleeping what? :{ Ciaos!

♥ ; Who could predict what would have happen. 17:26.
Photobucket 沈美珺.
Ivy Sim.
* Hello Kitty.
* Blingblings.
Sing so well!
Mummy to be with me forever.
My beautiful future.